Tuesday, July 18, 2006

SAS Marketing Analytics

A quick update from one of the SAS project teams! We were lucky enough to head to Germany a few days before our kick-off meeting with SAS and managed to be in Germany the day that they won the third place match for the World Cup. We also managed to plan our overnight trip to Strasbourg to conveniently also be in France the night that they played in the final! The mood there was not as jovial after the game… but it was neat to be there anyway!

We had a good few days touring around Heidelberg and Strasbourg, drinking lots of beer and eating good portions of hearty German food – YUM! We saw castles and cathedrals and mostly tried to avoid the heat… thankfully there were many bars where we could find a refreshing drink.

On Wednesday we had our kick-off meeting with SAS for our project. We are working on a marketing analytics review. Basically our task is to investigate what types of marketing analytics SAS’s customers use and how sophisticated their usage of the different tools is. Apparently SAS thinks we will get a straighter answer than they would if they asked the question. Probably true!

So now we are back in Oxford, enjoying the sun and warmth, and working to more clearly define the objectives and approaches for our project. Should prove to be an interesting few weeks!

We hope everyone else is doing well – and hope to see those of you who are in Oxford!


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